Thursday, April 1st

Menla is introducing 7 monthly weekend retreats (April-October) focused on ecological gardening, understanding and encouraging biodiversity, all with the goal of increasing one's eco-literacy, understanding, and connection to the earth and her elegant systems. Ecology is the branch of science that explores how organisms interact with one another and their environments. Ecology is interdependence, interconnectedness, and interrelationship. Human health and wellbeing is dependent on the health and wellbeing of our beautiful planet. How and where do you fit in to these complex systems, and what positive impacts can you bring to your own multitude of relationships? We will focus on ecological and nature-based solutions in response to the current crises facing the world.

Menla’s property is 330 acres of pristine land in the middle of the magical Catskill Forest Preserve. We have two large gardens - producing food, medicine and flowers, landscaping, and restorative ecology projects. We also have ample opportunities for foraging and immersion in wild places. Through the practice of ecological gardening and restoration, we create beneficial habitats for the web of life. Our relationships with the land ranges from cultivated to wild. In our valley, we have acres of wild space and numerous hiking trails to explore, nurture and connect with. We will use our land and the surrounding Catskills as our living laboratory.

Over the past five years, we have focused on restorative ecology work, removing invasives, planting native species, and allowing the native seed bank to recover and re-establish itself. The UN has declared that 2021-2030 is the Decade of Ecosystem Restoration, and we will explore what we can do in our own ways. We will also be using the excellent resources of Project Drawdown as a guide and reference.

Comprising a unified series, these 7 weekend retreats are open to all levels of experience and curiosity. Attend one, several, or all, as your schedule allows! We will follow the seasons, from starting seeds, dividing perennials and plant propagation in the spring, to putting your gardens to sleep at the end of the year. We will explore the wilds of Menla and embark on field trips. We will make teas, skin care products, and learn about the microbiome of both the soil and our guts. We will engage the physical, intellectual, and spiritual sides of ourselves in fun and inspirational ways together, including sharing our stories and time for yoga and meditation.

By the end of our October retreat, you will have gathered skills to grow your own food, increased your ecoliteracy, and explored the complex issues of humankind’s impact on the earth’s operating systems. You will have had immersive experiences in the Catskills forests and landscapes and have learned a lot about nature-based solutions to human-made problems. 

Join Menla's expert Head of Horticulture and long-time earth educator, Lisa Taranto, for an introduction to the series, discussion and questions, and to meet others interested in these dynamic weekend retreats.

First Session: April 16-18

Second Session: May 28-30

Third Session: June 18-20

Fourth Session: July 2-4

Fifth Session: August 13-15

Sixth Session: Sept 17-19

Seventh Session: Oct 8-10

Lisa Taranto is an explorer of ecology and the dynamic elegance of nature and natural systems. She holds more than three decades of study, practice, curiosity, and adventures in ecology, art and design. Currently she is the Head of Horticulture at Menla Retreat Center, in the heart of the Catskill Mountains. Menla is nestled in 320 acres of diverse and secluded wild land. For six years she has been physically engaged with this remote valley, learning from its wide range of ecosystems--from the highly cultivated to the pure wild. She has initiated ecological restoration work, bringing the land back to a more balanced state, allowing the native seed bank to flourish, and planted hundreds of saplings. She has implemented highly designed and efficient systems, from plant propagation to exquisite gardens. She has guided and taught hundreds of guests and volunteers. As an artist, once upon a time, she was awarded a residency at the prestigious Anderson Ranch in Aspen, Colorado. She continues to creatively work with a variety of media, including the land. Strong of imagination, she works towards a world where all ecosystems are restored, and humanity lives in a kind and interdependent dance with nature, and individuals are connected to their places. Lisa has worked in the philanthropic, public, and private sectors. She holds a Bachelor of Architecture from Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University.


  Thursday, April 1st
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