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Art of Dying and Living: An Exploration of Life, Death, and the Afterlife 2023 | Archive
Thursday, March 23: Indo-Tibetan Views on Death and Dying
Robert A.F. Thurman: The Inner Science behind the Art of Dying |
Panel Discussion: Intro to the 3 Death Bardos w/ Robert Thurman, Andrew Holecek, and Dr. Nida Chenagtsang |
Andrew Holecek: Integral Dying: A Multi-perspective Approach to Helping Yourself and Others |
Panel Discussion: Being with Dying as a Compassionate Companion w/ Joan Halifax and Frank Ostaseski |
Friday, March 24: Shamanism, Altered States, Psychedelics & Death
Alberto Villoldo: The Shaman’s Journey Beyond Death |
Grandmother Maria Alice Campos: From Duality to Unity – Synthesis and Mystery |
Anthony Bossis: Psychedelics and Mystical Experience: Implications for Psychospiritual and Existential Suffering at the End of Life |
Saturday, March 25: Preparing for Death
Marianne Williamson: Death is Not a Punishment |
Henry Fersko-Weiss: Rituals At the Time of Death and Immediately After Death |
Panel Discussion: Give me Liberty or Give Me Death: Ukrainian Heroes, Sikh Sacred Warriors, and Tibetan Buddhist Body-Offerers, as the Dying Alive w/ Robert Thurman and Jai Dev Singh |
Jai Dev: Joy of the Infinite: Death as the Great Ally |
Therese Schroeder-Sheker: Binding and Loosening -- Processes of Transfiguration |
Sunday, March 26: After Death Practices
Matthew Fox: Tibetan Reincarnation and Christian Resurrection: Parallel Possibilities? |
Terri Daniel: The Stubborn Persistence of Grief Stage Theories |
Richard Martini: Talking to Divine Councils in the Afterlife |
BJ Miller: Irreducible |
Bonus Materials
Deepak Chopra: Life After Death (34:44)
Panel Discussion: Give me Liberty or Give Me Death: Ukrainian Heroes, Sikh Sacred Warriors, and Tibetan Buddhist Body-Offerers, as the Dying Alive w/ Robert Thurman and Jai Dev Singh |
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