Treasure Teachings from the Naga Dragons: Mahayana Tantra and Kundalini Yoga

with Robert Thurman and Jai Dev Singh | Online Course

Revitalize your life through immersing yourself in the rich wisdom, poetry and practices of the ancient yogis and sages. This is a weekend of renewing and reprioritizing your happiness, health, and sense of purpose. Using healing yoga practices, breathwork, and dharma teachings, we will tap our inner reservoir of life-force and re-emerge into our life with a newfound vitality.
Around 500 BCE Shakyamuni Buddha hid his Mahāyāna Sutra and Tantra teachings, entrusting them for safe keeping to the Nagas, divine lords of the watery underworld. Then, when Indian culture was ready to receive them, around 50 BCE the saintly Nāgārjuna revealed these treasure teachings as prophesied by the Buddha.
Reminiscent of Nagarjuna’s discovery, in the year 1499 CE the great north-Indian sage, Guru Nanak, disappeared into the Kali Bein River for three days before emerging with his most sacred poetic teaching, known as Japji Sahib.
Here, we find great vehicles that point the way to a genuine happiness, and visions of reality that work to carry us across the ocean of our ordinary life and into a blissful space of joy.
Join Bob and Jai Dev for an inspiring and fun-filled weekend on the majestic land of Menla. Wake up with enlivening yoga practice, hike the mountain trails, and enjoy one of the most magical spots in the Catskills. Enjoy world-class Ayurvedic and Tibetan spa treatments at the exquisite Dewa Spa. Every day, nourish your body and mind with fresh, organic and delicious vegetarian cuisine right from the garden.
Each day, cultivate the inspiration and intuition which you need for your life’s path ahead. Sit back, open your mind, and allow the dharma teaching to enliven your inspiration. This will be a weekend to remember, a new memory to cherish. Get ready for a beautiful time with old and new friends, nourishment, healing and fun!
This page is for registration for virtual online attendance of this retreat. If you would prefer to attend in person at Menla instead, please use this link.

Robert Thurman

Robert Thurman is Professor of Indo-Tibetan Buddhist Studies at Columbia University as well as Co-Founder and President of Tibet House US | Menla in service of HH Dalai Lama & the people of Tibet. A close friend of the Dalai Lama’s for over 50 years, he is a leading world-wide lecturer on Tibetan Buddhism, passionate activist for the plight of the Tibetan people, skilled translator of Buddhist texts, and inspiring writer of popular Buddhist books. His most recent book is Wisdom Is Bliss: Four Freindly Fun Facts That Can Change Your Life. In partnership with Nena Thurman and dedicated contributors, he now focuses on making Tibet House US and its Menla Retreat & Spa a global center for the promotion, study and practice of Tibetan Buddhist healing arts and sciences of body, mind, and spirit, dedicated as a complement to the vast life work of its patron, His Holiness the Dalai Lama. To learn more:

Jai Dev Singh

Jai Dev Singh is a yogi and internationally renowned teacher of Kundalini Yoga and Ayurveda. He is the founder and principal teacher of the Life-Force Academy—a global community for yogic teachings and practices with thousands of students in over 60 countries around the world, and the author of numerous courses on Kundalini Yoga and Ayurveda. Jai Dev is a Clinical Ayurvedic Specialist and served as the Clinical Director at the California College of Ayurveda, as well as the director of the college's Pancha Karma Center and Ayurvedic Spa. Jai Dev is emerging as a preeminent voice in the yoga world. He travels all over the world sharing the ancient yogic teachings in a uniquely accessible way that is relevant to our times. He lives in northern California with his wife, Simrit Kaur, and their son.

Learn more about Jai Dev:

Example Curriculum

  Thursday, July 6
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Friday, July 7
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Saturday, July 8
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Sunday, July 9
Available in days
days after you enroll

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