Humanity has been given a once-in-a-lifetime chance to rethink and rearchitect the way we live and work. With record levels of burnout, mental exhaustion and anticipatory anxiety about the future, meaning has become the new money, with millions opting to quit their jobs in search of it.


The pandemic and mounting global crises have exposed the cracks in the prevailing paradigms of individual self-interest, zero sum competition, and extractive forms of profit-maximization that build wealth at the expense of people and planet. The old systems are just not working anymore. Yet, the biggest risk we face is not the uncertainty of the old world crumbling - it’s meeting the new world with yesterday’s mindsets. 


The Great Reflection Summit is a global community of renowned visionaries, conscious leadership pioneers, and innovators gathering annually to use the power of pause to refresh, reenergize, and reimagine the more beautiful world we know is possible.


Join a wildly inspirational community event to unlock your power of purpose, fulfillment, and joy.

Robert Thurman

Join acclaimed Buddhist scholar, Robert Thurman, as he discusses the nature of reality, the illusion of duality, and the scientific understanding of the infinite.

Jangchub Choeling Nunnery

The ritual of the Tara Puja will be performed to begin our summit to remove life obstacles and aid in the spiritual path, as we embark on this 5-day journey together.

Tara is a Buddha of Compassion who manifests in female form and who hears the cries of beings experiencing Samsara. She is known as a “Dolma” in Tibetan, or “She who saves”.

Alberto Villoldo

Join us in conversation with renowned author, shamanic healer, and psychologist, Alberto Villoldo as he discusses the unseen nature of reality and the intersection between indigenous knowledge & modern science.

Laura Lynne Jackson

Join us for an extraordinary discussion with New York Times best selling author Laura Lynne Jackson, as she shares insights from the profound experiences that took her from a teaching career to being a sought-after speaker on the subject of mediumship.

Sarah Drew

Join Sarah Drew, author of the globally acclaimed ecofeminist novel "Gaia Codex" in a powerful exploration, "Awakening to our Living Earth-The Luminous Elixir of Sentient Interdependence." What is it to both embrace the vast expanse, the infinite potential of consciousness's creation, and to simultaneously come home to the wonder, beauty, and innate 4.5 billion-year-old intelligence of our Living Mother Earth at this critical historical juncture?

Alex & Allyson Grey

What is the highest possible aspiration for a creative person? How can our creations make a deep and lasting impression and do the greatest good for the greatest number? These moral and spiritual questions are answered by our worldview.

Benki Piyako

Join Ashaninka leader and international climate activist, Benki Piyako, share his thoughts about what we can learn from indigenous wisdom on how to ignite our individual purpose through environmental stewardship - an example of the Yorenka Tasorentsi Institute.

Maria Julia Yawanawá

Join Maria Julia Yawanawá as she discusses the teachings of the forest as the unseen fabric of reality that informs her purpose and fuels her work in the Yawanawá community of the Brazilian Amazon.

DJ Alok

To close this session, we are grateful to share the Yawanawá song Sina Vaishu, recorded by DJ and music producer, Alok, with musicians and singers from the Yawanawá people.

Jai Dev Singh

Jai Dev Singh is a renowned teacher of Kundalini Yoga. With an innate talent for guiding individuals on the path to harnessing their vital magnetism and discovering their true purpose, Jai Dev's teachings transcend mere instruction; they inspire the awakening of a joyful mind and the cultivation of a profound sense of purpose.

Deepak Chopra

Join Deepak Chopra as he speaks about the Great Awakening in terms of a phased transition across the four ashram stages of life. For the last thirty years, Chopra has been at the forefront of the meditation revolution and his latest book, Total Meditation (Harmony Books, September 22, 2020) helps to achieve new dimensions of stress-free living and joyful living.

Wasfia Nazreen

Journey with Wasfia through a riveting hour spanning the tapestry of all seven continents, as she unveils the many realms of her own life's narrative—an anthem inspiring fearless living, entwined with the timeless teachings of karma. What signifies the essence of losing all and embarking on a journey anew, amidst realms once unfamiliar? What echoes in the understanding and embrace of our purpose?

Rick Doblin

Join Rick Doblin, Ph.D., President and Founder of the 37-year-old Multidisciplinary Association for Psychedelic Studies (MAPS), in considering the role of psychedelics in mystical experiences, self-realization, and spirituality.

Dr. Maya Shetreat

Join Dr. Maya Shetreat as she discusses the transformational healing potential of psychedelic-assisted therapy through the lens of a neurologist and herbalist that has studied with indigenous communities and healers worldwide.

Jeanette Bronée

In today's fast-paced world, where uncertainty is the new normal, it's easy to be distracted by fear, urgency, and self-doubt, and with that, we lose our sense of confidence, purpose, and meaning. Jeanette Bronée is a renowned keynote speaker, culture strategist, and author who emphasizes the importance of human connection for achieving peak performance.

Thupten Jinpa Langri

Thupten Jinpa is a former Tibetan monk who holds the Geshe Lharam degree, as well as a B.A. in philosophy and a Ph.D. in religious studies, both from Cambridge University. Since 1985, he has been the principal English translator to H.H. the Dalai Lama and has translated and edited numerous books by the Dalai Lama.

Tenzin Choegyal

Join acclaimed musician, Tenzin Choegyal, as he speaks about his incredible journey out of Tibet as a child and the ways he continues to connect to his Tibetan nomadic lineage through music and Buddhist practice. Tenzin Choegyal closes this presentation with traditional Tibetan music in honor of the Lhakar Music Festival.

Kute Blackson

Join us in conversation with Kute Blackson because its time to get real! The next level of your life requires the next level version of you. In this talk, Kute explains the magic of surrender as a practice for breaking free from the heavy matrix of social conditioning that can keep us stuck, suppress our authentic being, and limit our experience of fulfillment and joy as leaders in our own lives.

Michael Beckwith

Can you hear the call of your soul? Not to be confused with the call of the world, Michael Beckwith takes us on a journey to the innermost sanctum of our being to uncover the deep seated place of joy, peace, and bliss, where the call of our soul resides.

Jeanine M Canty

Our global ecological and social crises hold deep roots within the western paradigm that focuses on the individual, accumulation, and rationality. An archetype we are seeing within corporate globalized societies is collective narcissism where the petty desires of the individual are heightened, silencing the needs of communities, especially nature.

Eric Ripért

In this interview, Eric Ripert speaks about his approach to conscious leadership and his incredible career, spanning decades of excellence. As the co-owner and chef of the acclaimed Le Bernardin restaurant, which has earned the highest 3-Star Michelin rating each year since 2005 among many other accolades, Chef Ripert credits his spiritual evolution and sincere practice of Buddhism as a means of impacting members of his team and the surrounding community.

Arthur C Brooks

Most people think success is the key to happiness, but they are wrong. Happiness is the key to success. According to research, to be successful in life, one should understand happiness and manage to it—our own and others’.

Krishna Das

In this offering, Krishna Das shares his practice of prayer through chanting mantras with music to quiet the mind and open the heart. In this space, we can reflect more readily with clarity and compassion. Krishna Das is a Grammy-nominated chant artist and has sung with people all around the world for over 35 years.

Hanuman Dass

Learn practical applications of the principles of Ahimsa to enrich environmental activism and heal from the harmful illusion of separation. Hanuman Das also speaks about what it means to Go Dharmic, embody loving awareness, and develop conscious leadership techniques that awaken human potential to shake up the world.

Vanessa Nakate

Vanessa Nakate, 26, is a Ugandan climate justice activist and UNICEF Goodwill Ambassador. Inspired by Greta Thunberg, she was Uganda's first youth climate striker, and went on to found the Rise Up Movement - a movement of young people protesting for climate action across Africa.

Vandana Shiva

Dr. Vandana Shiva is trained as a Physicist and did her Ph.D. on the subject “Hidden Variables and Non-locality in Quantum Theory” from the University of Western Ontario in Canada. She later shifted to inter-disciplinary research in science, technology and environmental policy, which she carried out at the Indian Institute of Science and the Indian Institute of Management in Bangalore.

Lyla June

Dr. Lyla June Johnston (aka Lyla June) is an Indigenous musician, author, and community organizer of Diné (Navajo), Tsétsêhéstâhese (Cheyenne) and European lineages. Her multi-genre presentation style has engaged audiences across the globe towards personal, collective, and ecological healing.

Seth Godin

The climate has changed dramatically and we have no more time to waste. So what can we do about it? Join internationally acclaimed author, Seth Godin, as he shares personal insights gleaned from collaborating with hundreds of writers and researchers around the world to compile The Carbon Almanac.

Dr. Martin Mills

The Tibetan Plateau and its surrounding mountain ranges hold the third largest supply of frozen fresh water outside the polar regions, a supply that regulates water to the most populace continent on earth. But global climate change and pollution mean that this is changing fast. What does the world's scientific community think the future holds for the Third Pole?

Osprey Orielle Lake

Author, activist, and changemaker Osprey Orielle Lake shares her experiences working with global leaders, systems-thinkers, climate justice activists, and Indigenous Peoples to transform the interlocking crises of colonialism, racism, patriarchy, capitalism, and ecocide - to build thriving Earth communities for all. Osprey's new book, The Story is in Our Bones, is a portal to restoration and justice beyond the end of a world in crisis.

Steven Donziger

Join us as we speak with the inspirational environmental attorney, Steven Donziger, as he recounts his intense, 30-year battle to hold powerful oil companies accountable for the shockingly massive and devastating pollution of pristine Amazon forests - all driven by corporate greed and profit maximization through the externalization of the true cost of oil.

Sally Ranney

On the surface - species justice, reality delusions and Arctic ice look like three disparate matters. However, they are hopelessly and hopefully interdependent, all ultimately at the mercy of our Greed or Grace. Harbored within that choice is our greatest existential risk - the Illusion of Separation. A reckoning is upon. Let's fearlessly unpack the false assumptions and half-baked belief systems that have held us hostage for multi-centuries.

Senator Elizabeth Warren

Senator Elizabeth Warren, a fearless consumer advocate who has made her life's work the fight for middle class families, was elected to the United States Senate on November 6, 2012, by the people of Massachusetts. She is widely credited for the original thinking, political courage, and relentless persistence that led to the creation of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau.

Hartmut Neven

Hartmut Neven is Vice President of Engineering for Quantum AI at Google. He is the founder and manager of the Quantum Artificial Intelligence lab. The objective of the lab is to fabricate quantum processors and develop novel quantum algorithms to dramatically accelerate computational tasks for machine intelligence. Previously, Hartmut was head of the Visual Search team.

Jennifer Holmgren

If we are to achieve climate goals, we need a systems-level view and solutions that can draw on multiple sources of waste carbon. Advances in technology and a global momentum to avert the deepening climate crisis have brought us to the cusp of a new industrial era in which recycled carbon will be the feedstock to produce the climate-safe materials and fuels that are today made from oil.

John Borthwick

Join us in conversation with pioneering technology venture capitalist, John Borthwick, as we hear his perspective on the impact of revolutionary technology over his 20 year career - from the birth of the internet, to social media, and now AI. John takes us beyond the hype, to the heart of the real risks and opportunities AI holds for humanity.

Kate O'Neill

From her unique standpoint as the “Tech Humanist,” Kate O'Neill navigates the intersection of artificial intelligence and humanity, demonstrating how AI can be harnessed to engineer a future that is high-tech yet deeply human-centered.

John Minks

Are you ready to go deep? Join us for a transformative sound journey hosted by the talented 17-year sound explorer, John Minks, and embark on a truly immersive and multi-sensory experience. John combines various instruments to create a captivating soundscape as the perfect finale to our time together at the Great Reflection Summit.

Choose a Pricing Option


  Day One: The Unseen Fabric of Reality
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Day Two: Awaken Your Greatness
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Day Three: Conscious Leadership
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Day Four: Climate Justice Spotlight
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Day Five: AI & Digital Alchemy
Available in days
days after you enroll