Mapping the Universe with David Orr, David Kittay & Robert A.F. Thurman | Episode Seven

In this episode Tibet House US President Robert A.F. Thurman, Columbia University Professor David Kittay, and L.A. based artist David Orr discuss the history and practice of mandala creation across traditions as well as Orr's solo exhibition "Radiance + Reflection: Mandalas and Moon".

The exhibition is organized around two bodies of work emerging from Orr’s interests where philosophy and science align: ILLUMINED, wherein photographs of sacred manuscripts, texts, and sūtras are digitally recombined into abstract forms, and Mandala Lunae, moon photography which Orr arranges into complex geometries, a series begun and developed when he had to stay-in-place during the pandemic. All the works in Radiance + Reflection serve as visual meditations on light.

This episode is an excerpt from "Mapping the Universe: The Mandala in Sacred, Scientific, and Artistic Practice" talk in conjunction with "Radiance + Reflection: Mandalas and Moon" on display at Tibet House US through July 9th, 2022 in New York City.

To learn more about the exhibition, please visit:

To watch the full video version of this talk, please visit:

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