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Sowa Rigpa: Foundations of the Healing Science of Tibetan Medicine | Archive
WEEK 1 : Intro to Sowa Rigpa
Pre-Course Questionnaire | Survey
Week One | Session One Overview: History & Modern Practice of Tibetan Medicine (22:12)
Week One | Session One Influences: Indigenous Tibetan Culture Meeting Ancient Indian, Chinese, & Greek Medical Traditions (31:44)
Week One | Session One Cosmology & the Five Elements (65:29)
Week One | Session One Tanaduk: the Mandala Garden of the Medicine Buddha (41:20)
Week One | Session Two Sowa Rigpa - Overview (86:16)
Week One | Session Two Medicine Buddha Mantra & Meditation (17:41)
Week One | Session Two History of Sowa Rigpa (58:55)
Week 1 | Session Two | Replay
Week 1 | Session One | Re-Play
WEEK 2: Tree of Health & Disease
Week 2: Session One | Re-Play
Week Two | Session One Entering the Four Tantras (43:23)
Week Two | Session One Root Tantra and the Structure of the Four Tantras (37:03)
Week Two | Session One Exploring the Five Elements (45:24)
Week Two | Session One Three Humors (42:01)
Week 2: Session Two | Re-Play
Week Two | Session Two Medicine Buddha Practice & Overview
Week Two | Session Two Tree of Health and Disease
Week Two | Session Two Bodily Constituents & The Tree of Health and Disease
WEEK 3: Trunk of Imbalance
Week 3: Session One | Instant Replay
Week 3: Session Two | Instant Replay
Week Three | Session One Introduction to Pathology - How and Why We Get Sick
Week Three | Session One Root Causes and Conditions of Disease
Week Three | Session One Pathways and Locations
Week Three | Session Two Medicine Buddha Practice & Over View (35:55)
Week Three | Session Two Overview & Nine Breath Meditation
Week Three | Session Two Sowa Rigpa and Cycles of Time
Week Three | Session Two Nine Fatal Disorders & Twelve Side Effects
Week Three | Session Two Fundamental Meaning of First Tree
Week Three | Session Two Developing Observation (17:03)
Week Three | Session Two Observation Overview & Review (24:37)
Week Three | Session Two Introduction to Tongue Observation
Week Three | Session Two Introduction to Urine Observation
Week 3 | Homework Upload
Week 4: Tree of Diagnosis
Week Four: Session One | Replay
Week Four: Session Two | Replay
Week Four | Session One Medicine Buddha & Dedication of Merit
Week Four | Session One Visual Observation
Week Four | Session One Pulse Observation
Week Four | Session Two Introduction and Medicine Buddha Meditation
Week Four | Session Two Overview of Tree of Health & Disease
Week Four | Session Two Questioning Methods for Types
Week Four | Session Two Positive Therapy Responses by Type
Week Four | Session Two Constitutional Typography
Week Four | Session Two Practicing Interviewing and Inquiring
WEEK 5: Tree of Therapies
Week Five: Session One
Week Five | Session One Root Tantra Overview and Medicine Buddha Dedication
Week Five | Session One Tree of Diagnosis, Herbal Medicine & Food (72:43)
Week Five | Session One Trunk of Lifestyle & Diet
Week Five | Session One Overview & Future Studies
Week Five: Session Two
Week Five: Session One | Homework Upload
Week Five: Session Two Course Review with Medicine Buddha Dedication
Week Five: Session Two Lifestyle Overview & Review
Week Five: Session Two Herbal Remedies Overview & Review
Week Five | Session Two Trunk of Herbal Remedies Overview & Review
Week Five | Session Two Trunk of External Remedies Overview & Review
Week Five | Session Two Closing Overview & Review
Course Preview | Bonus Materials
What is Sowa Rigpa? The Four Tantras with Dr. Eric Rosenbush & Robert Thurman | Video
What is Sowa Rigpa? The Four Tantras with Dr. Eric Rosenbush & Robert Thurman | Audio
Course Materials | Slide Downloads
Class Session Slides | PDFs
Course Bonus | Audio
Week 1: Session One | Bonus Audio
Week 1: Session Two | Bonus Audio
Week 2: Session One | Bonus Audio
Week 2: Session Two | Bonus Audio
Week 3: Session One | Bonus Audio
Week 3: Session Two | Bonus Audio
Week 4: Session One | Bonus Audio
Week 4: Session Two | Bonus Audio
Week 5: Session One | Bonus Audio
Week 5: Session Two | Bonus Audio
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Week One | Session One Overview: History & Modern Practice of Tibetan Medicine
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